Thirty years of progress

2022-03-15T16:49:32+00:00June 21st, 2017|Martha’s Vineyard Times|

The Partnership recently celebrated its 30th anniversary at its leadership summit weekend on the Vineyard. Approximately 360 of the commonwealth’s most successful and culturally diverse business leaders, CEOs, and other corporate professionals gathered to hear speakers, take part in relevant discussions surrounding diversity, and network under the tents on the grounds of the future Martha’s [...]

IRS, DOR undermining Earned Income Tax Credit

2017-06-22T16:36:29+00:00June 4th, 2017|Commonwealth Magazine|

In the midst of new proposals for a major tax system overhaul, there’s one tax policy almost everyone agrees has been highly effective: the Earned Income Tax Credit. It delivers significant financial relief to working families while providing financial incentive to work. In 2015, the average credit was $3,186 for families with children. How disappointing, then, [...]

Trump budget cuts threaten second chances

2022-03-15T16:49:32+00:00May 30th, 2017|USA Today|

Years ago, while at a board meeting with my construction colleagues at the Homebuilders Association of Louisville, I met three very special local students. I was blown away by their drive and confidence as they shared their personal stories of overcoming challenges in their young lives. I wondered, where did they find the inner strength to tell their [...]

Gold Star Father Khizr Khan Speaks at Massachusetts ACLU Dinner

2017-05-16T20:42:56+00:00May 15th, 2017|NBC Boston|

Gold Star father Khizr Khan was in Boston on Monday to serve as the featured speaker at the annual Bill of Rights Dinner for the Massachusetts Civil Liberties Union. Khan drew international attention for his speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention when he criticized then Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump for attacking Muslims and [...]

Women entrepreneurs gain, hurdles remain

2017-05-16T20:33:18+00:00May 12th, 2017|Boston Business Journal|

With the number of women starting their own businesses now steadily outpacing men, female entrepreneurship is on the rise. In fact, the number of women-owned businesses has grown at a rate five times faster than the national average. Today, women are majority owners of 38 percent of businesses in the U.S., and there are more [...]

Tax Tuesday: Late Filing Tips

2017-04-20T19:39:13+00:00April 18th, 2017|NECN|

The deadline for filing your taxes is right around the corner, and if you’re a procrastinator, you may want to think twice about putting off filing that return. Mark Nichols, member of the Massachusetts Society of CPAs, said the penalties and interest for filing or paying late can pile up. "People who file late can [...]

I found myself in AmeriCorps, others will lose that chance if Congress cuts fundingy

2017-04-20T19:39:57+00:00April 15th, 2017|Lexington Herald Leader|

Some people spend a lifetime trying to find themselves. As for me, I was lucky enough to be an AmeriCorps member. I completed two full-time terms at a nonprofit called YouthBuild in Breathitt County, which is a comprehensive youth service program that rebuilds lives and communities through education, leadership training and job skills. YouthBuild engages [...]

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