YouthBuild USA is a global nonprofit that partners with opportunity youth – young people between the ages of 16 and 24 who are out of school and out of work – to build the skill sets and mindsets that lead to lifelong learning, livelihood, and leadership. At YouthBuild programs across the United States and around the world, students reclaim their education, gain job skills, and become leaders in their communities. YouthBuild strives to create a world where all young people are seen for their potential, and power, to transform themselves and their communities.
1000 Women Strong is a national organizing hub that supports year-round organizing to reclaim Black women’s political power. Through research, training and field organizing, they have engaged more than 300,000 Black women on a range of issues that impact them. Most recently, they helped secure a major win in the 2022 Georgia Senate runoff elections as the only voter outreach organization in rural Georgia.

Yes for Newton’s Future, a successful ballot campaign in the City of Newton that tackled outdated land use restrictions and approved the construction of a 14-building housing project by Northland Development. This project broke down barriers to abundant, affordable housing in the city; coalesced housing, climate and transit activists; and took major steps to address racial segregation, environmental destruction and income inequality in the region. It is the largest infusion of affordable housing in the city’s history.
State Auditor Diana DiZoglio, a fighter for working families and a leader of lived experience. The campaign focused on every single corner of the Commonwealth in its field work, implemented a comprehensive earned media and strategic paid media push, executed a vigorous digital outreach operation, and shared her inspiring story and mission with numerous audiences to win by sizable margins in the primary and general elections.

A leader in renewable energy and energy storage, Anbaric transforms legacy infrastructure in North American to achieve a clean energy future. Their New England OceanGrid project is focused on offshore wind transmission to strengthen the grid, scale renewables and achieve New England’s climate goals — all while protecting fisheries and marine ecosystems.