Antitrust in the Age of Amazon

2016-08-22T16:25:57+00:00May 12th, 2016|New York Times|

Pens matter. Ink does not.In the age of Amazon, evaluating antitrust concerns is sometimes twisting government officials into knots. That was made clear this week, when the Federal Trade Commission blocked the merger of Office Depot and Staples, in part by drawing elaborate distinctions between who buys pens and printer ink cartridges, and how. Full [...]

Four innovative ideas for fixing the opioid crisis

2016-08-22T16:26:13+00:00May 11th, 2016|The Boston Globe|

The Massachusetts opioid crisis grew even more deadly in 2015, with 1,379 confirmed overdose deaths — up 41 percent in just two years. A community response requires help on multiple levels, from innovative law enforcement approaches to paying for treatment. These four people and programs are among those across the state answering the call. Full Article Here

The Black Rose celebrates 40 years

2016-08-22T16:26:30+00:00May 5th, 2016|The Boston Globe|

“The Black Rose turned 40 this spring. To mark the milestone, the legendary Irish pub hosted an anniversary bash on May 4 that drew a large crowd. Approximately 200 friends, family, employees, and loyal customers came out for the celebration, and needless to say, the Guinness flowed freely. Celtic Clan performed on stage, providing the [...]

The challenge: Reaching 350 million youth worldwide

2022-03-15T16:49:32+00:00April 28th, 2016|The Hill|

There are over 350 million young people worldwide who are not in school, training or regular employment. Many face challenges to their futures similar to those faced daily by several million American 16 to 24 year olds — crumbling schools, poverty, disinvestment in their communities, dislocation and violence. Circumstances that easily lead to despair and [...]

The One Thing That Will Get More Women In the C-Suite

2016-08-22T16:28:21+00:00March 8th, 2016|Fortune|

In many fields, women are making modest advances into leadership positions. Twenty-six percent of college presidents are women. Among business school leaders, women hold nearly 20% of dean positions. They represent one in five partners in private law firms, and make up a quarter of U.S. federal court judges. And, for the first time, more [...]

YouthBuild lauded for keeping Fresno students from repeat offenses

2016-08-22T16:28:41+00:00January 21st, 2016|The Fresno Bee|

Fresno students who were incarcerated and enrolled in the nonprofit education and job skills program YouthBuild are highly unlikely to relapse into criminal behavior, according to a report released Thursday. “Life After Lockup” found that 11 percent of previously convicted YouthBuild students in 260 communities were convicted of another crime after one year. That’s compared [...]

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